Distinguishing match-eligible donors can be a complicated process. Typically the information is readily available but the problem comes from donors unaware of the impact they could potentially be making. This means that multiple nonprofits and universities are missing out on a huge amount of revenue.

Matching gifts allow nonprofits to be able to push to that extra dollar amount with zero additional costs. However, many of those employed don’t have any idea of where to begin! How to word the messages, send timely emails and friendly reminders. 

Truthfully, it’s easy to push off change until the next year. However, when using software that does all the work for you, theres no reason to not look into it! That’s essentially what you get with HEPdata’s eMatch Portal and eMatch Donor Link. Donors will input their employer in the eMatch Donor Link search box, and HEPdata takes it from there. Through our Portal you will be able to see every pending, completed, and rejected donation, as well as send timely email reminders. It truly takes all the work out, leaving you with more money in your donation revenue.

If your non-profit is interested in learning more about our matching gift services, please visit, email: or call 800.681.4438. We would be happy to help you analyze your current matching gift strategies. We also have an extensive collection of matching gift marketing strategies to review online in our Learning Center.

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